Hello everyone,
So today I thought I would start to show you some of my work from my pattern cutting class, which is something that I haven’t shared on here yet. In pattern cutting for the whole of this term we have been looking at skirts, this is to start us off slowly and then next term we will be looking a bodice and the last term putting them together to make a dress.
As one of our first tasks we had to do was create a collage of different skirts. This was to give us a place of inspiration to start off the project and so we could look at different designs and techniques we could look at.
Here is some of my collage that I created using pictures that I tore out of magazines and printed off from the internet. I chose to keep the images quite big so that I could fill lots of space and see all the detail in the skirts. I made the collage double sided so that I could use more pictures so that I had more inspiration.
I chose to use post it notes to annotate my collage so that o could layer them and write some notes. I really like how my collage has turned out as I like how the pictures are layered and all the different colours I have used.
I hope you have enjoyed looking at my work and thank you for reading.
Amy xxx
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