Hello everyone,
So today I thought I would share some more of my work from pattern cutting class. I have been doing lots of different pieces of work but today I am going to show you the different types of seams that I have tested/made samples for.
Here I have looked at different ways of neatening a seam. One way of doing this is by using a zigzag stitch. This method is a good way to quickly neaten a seam, the zigzag stitch can look quite messy id if you will be able to see the seam then this technique properly isn’t the best to use. As well it may not be as effective if the fabric frays a lot as there can still be loos threads that could unravel. Another way is by folding over the raw edge and sewing over the top. This is slightly more time consuming the zigzag stitch as you need to fold the fabric over but creates a really nice edge especially if you will be able to see it.
Overlocking is another way that you can neaten a seam. This is extremely quick and easy but you do need a special sewing machine to do it, so it is not overly accessible. The overlocking creates a really nice neat edge that counsels all the looks threads. One thing that you have to be really careful about with overlocking is that none of your fabric gets court up because it has a blade that cuts the fabric as you go.
Another type of seam is a French seam, this is basically where you trap the raw edge between two other seams. This is a really good technique to use in you will be able to see the seam, for example with a shear piece of fabric as it completely hides the raw edge. However, this type of seam cannot always be used as it is hard to do on a curve.
The last type of seam I am going to discuss is a welt seam. This is where you press the seam down to one side and then top stitch the seam in place on that side. This type of seam is good to add some detail to the seams on your garment and it really holds the seam to the side you want it. But this seam would not be very good if you wanted the seam to be invisible as you would be able to see the top stitching.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed looking at my work.
Amy xxx
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