Hello everyone,
So today in computing we were creating the clipping mask tool, this was quite confusing to start with but once got the hang of it, it was reasonably simple. To start with I placed an image from the Internet, as this would be the easiest way to import an image quickly.
Next, I used the text tool to layer a text box over the top and typed in a word, these are both in the same later in illustrator.
After I had adjusting how I wanted the text I then selected it all and created a clipping mask by selecting object in the top corner and going down to clipping mask. This created my clipping mask by removing the image around where the letters were and filling in the letters with the image.
I really like how this clipping mask has turned out as i like that you can see what the image is through the letters. To improve this clipping mask i think i would try changing the font and experiment with different size fonts and using a font that are thicker so that you can see more of the image.
Next have tried creating a clipping mask using a shape instead of using text. I have used the shape tool to draw a star on top of my image. This is exactly the same process as with the text so it is easy to repeat the process.
This is what my clipping mask of the star looked like, I think this worked very well as you can see what the picture is clearly though the star shape. I do think it would be interesting to try using a different shape and experiment with creating drawings and using a shape which is more relevant to the photo.
I have also have tried making a gradient into a clipping mask. This is also basically the same prosses, but I had to create a gradient box. to start with I just started by typing out a word.
Next, I used the shape tool to create a box big enough to cover the word. Now I needed to create a gradient to the box by adding the gradient to the tool bar and playing around with the colours and how I wanted the gradient to look.
To make this into a clipping mask I just used the same prosses as before. When I was doing this for some reason it wouldn’t let me turn it into a clipping mask, so it is really a prosses or trial and error. To solve this problem, I just opened a new art board and created this again and it worked.
I am very happy with the results with this clipping mask. I think it would be good to start to experiment with different fonts and colours to see what works well together. I would like to try to create a clipping mask with other things and I can create using a clipping mask.
Thank you for reading and I hope you have enjoyed looking at my work.
Amy xxx
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